Conditions Treated

Board-Certified Psychiatrist / Collaborative Approach to Treatment / Renewed Sense of Self

Anxiety disorders

One may experience a sense of restlessness. An uneasiness that is sometimes hard to describe. Consider this: someone you cared about may have described you as a “worrier?”

Panic disorder

 Intense feelings of fear, helplessness, and emotional distress. Sometimes you feel you need to go to the Emergency Room fearing you are having a heart attack. Consider this: you may or may not know your triggers.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

One feels compelled to complete tasks in a specific order or you have so-called ritualistic behaviors.  Consider this: you engage in counting, checking, or tapping behaviors and you say, “I can’t  help it.”

Social anxiety disorder

Being around others makes one feel uneasy.  This is fear that one is being judged by everyone, they get “stuck in your head” or internalize their thoughts. Consider this: you fear being rejected by others.


There is a gradual change in your level of motivation, interest, sleep, and so on. Consider this: there was a change in your performance at work or your engagement in pleasurable activities disappeared.

Bipolar disorder

Mood fluctuations occur without provocation, one may engage in risky or indiscriminate activities, you have tons of energy even though you do not sleep, and so on.  Consider this: you are never sure what mood you are going to have from one moment to the next.

Personality disorders

There are traits that are healthy and others that damage how we interact with each other. Consider this: identify if there is an ongoing pattern of poor interpersonal relationships in your life and understand how your behaviors contribute to the unwanted interactions.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Traumatic experiences can affect one’s mood, personality, cause nightmares because you recall potently distressing memories, and so on. Work has been done with everyone from Veterans with (and without) combat exposure and civilians that suffer losses.  Consider this: you feel like your dream replays your trauma like a movie scene.

Psychotic disorders

One can have a change in their usual way of thinking and/or behaving such that it is difficult to tell what is real. Consider this: a loved one seems to be tortured by their thoughts and beliefs to the point where they are not functioning well.

Substance use disorders

 Substance use disorders:  The use of illicit (and licit) substances can alter one’s mood, personality, and behaviors.  Anything from alcohol, opioids, cocaine, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, and so on can alter how one functions. Consider this: no one can want Recovery for you more than you desiring it for yourself.

Men's Wellness

Seeking mental health treatment has been stigmatized. Men seek treatment later, tend to be reluctant to engage in psychiatric treatment for fear of being judged or the realization that no one looks like or understands them. Imagine this: You are Seen. Listened to. Understood.    


One tends to have periods of forgetfulness, being disorganized, restlessness, and an overall decline in functioning. Such poor function affects your personal, social, academic (or occupational) life. Consider this: medications and behavioral strategies could have been explored earlier in your life.

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